Greenheart Programs


The best American High School experience

Greenheart Exchange is a nonprofit organization that offers cultural exchange programs in the United States for people all around the world.

Greenheart Exchange has been a sponsor of the J-1 Exchange Visitor visa since 1985. In our first year, we helped seven Spanish students find host families and attend high school in the U.S. on the J-1 visa. Now, we welcome over 1,000 participants each year who live with American families and study in high schools all across America.


Large variety of courses


Small classes


Extracurricular activities


Voluntary opportunities


Boost your English


Develop leadership skills

Study in an American High School

Experience the world! Attend a high school in the US and your life will never be the same!


High School Programs – Volunteer families/public high schools (no choice with J1 visa) Paid families/schools in regions chosen from US offered (F1 visa).
Teacher’s program in the USA.
Intern and Trainee programs in US companies.
Summer Work and Travel for university students on their Summer break.
Teen Short Term Homestay Programs.

Greenheart Videos

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General inquiries about IEP Brazil

We would love to hear from you - Fill out the form below to send us your message, questions or ideas. Experience the world with us!

    Or use the contact information below:

    Skype: carlosrobles1623
    Celular / WhatsApp: +55 31 986918989

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    Gostaríamos muito de ouvir de você – use o formulário para nos enviar sua mensagem, perguntas ou ideias. Experiencie o mundo conosco!